So far my favorite part of peds is the babies. I'm talking the really young little babies, 4 weeks and under. In the practice that I am in we see them within 24 hours of birth and then again at 1-2 weeks and again at 4 weeks. So I've been getting to see a lot of little ones. When we see them in the hospital within 24 hours they are brand spankin' new. It makes getting up an hour and a half early worth it. I love almost everything about them at this age. I love how they are still always warm when you hold them. I love the fresh clean baby smell. I love their onsies and tiny socks. I love the way they get raging mad and scream at you when you undress them and examine them with your freezing cold hands. I love playing with their reflexes. I love how their eyes look so fresh and shiny when they open them. I love their soft baby hair. I love the little grunting noises they make. I love to watch them as they discover new things, like their hand. This list could keep going and going but I'm sure I've already lost over half of your interest already so I'll stop. I haven't seen any super sick newborns yet. I saw one with Tetralogy of Fallot but she was stable and doing well for now. If I were in a different setting like a NICU I might change my mind. I can't imagine how difficult that would be.
Like OB, this specialty is making me excited at the prospect of having little babies in the house. I'm not in any position to be having children right now so someone in my family needs to have a baby soon so I can get this out of my system!!!! Sorry for the lack of medical things in this post. Next time I'll try to find an interesting case instead of just rambling on and on about my love for newborns. I promise!
Aw I love this... I can't wait to experience most (all except the medical parts!) of that in March when I'm holding my baby boy!!