I have learned something on this rotation that I doubt I will be seeing or doing on any other rotation, circumcision. Circumcising or as we affectionately call it in the office "whacking wienies" is actually a pretty cool procedure to see. I can say this because I am a female. I highly doubt there is a man alive that could watch this without wincing. The instruments used for the procedure even have cool names like the Gomco, "helmet" (bet you can't guess where that goes), kellys, probe, and the circumstraint. I think the "helmet" might actually be called a bell but we refer to it as the helmet because it's more fun. The whole procedure takes around 20 minutes and is pretty much blood free which is kind of amazing considering you are amputating skin. Most of the babies tolerate it pretty well too. They are given a few drops of a sugar based liquid then a pacifier is stuck in their mouth. The doctor I am with uses a local anesthetic as well. That sugar must be some good stuff because the babies don't seem to notice you sticking a needle into the bottom of their little peenies. A funny side note: I noticed that when we inject the lidocane it of course causes the base to swell making it look a lot like a tiny little elephant trunk.
The success of the procedure is dependent on correctly fitting tools and the doctor's ability to achieve hemostasis. This is done with hemostats and the Gomco clamp. Patience and precision are also key. I was watching the doctor do one the other day and I realized just how important it is that he get this perfect. He can't leave even a millimeter of skin because that millimeter of skin will grow with the rest of him. This little guy has to carry that penis around with him for the rest of his life! You can't have one that looks like the result of a drunken lovefest between a turtle, an elephant, and a grub. Some girl will take one look at that and run the other way! The doctor I'm with is very good at them so rest assured Huntingdon county you will remain well populated in the future.
The after care is pretty easy as well. You just put Vaseline on it for a few days until it heals. End of story. The procedure seems to be well tolerated by the little ones and makes taking care of them a little easier on the parents. Even after watching this I would still want my future sons to have it done.
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ReplyDeleteI was able to watch one of these when I was doing my volunteer hours at Dr. Lee's office. It wasn't Dr. Lee, it was the other guy, I forget his name. It was a little different than your experience. This baby whailed the WHOLE time. He was screaming before, during, and after. He never stopped. Does your doc use the little tiny arm and leg restraints? I thought for sure this little guy was going to bust through them he was so crazy. And the procedure was bloodier than I expected. But I'm with you, our future son(s) will be having it done for sure.
ReplyDeleteAww poor little guy. This is nothing like that. and yeah he uses the circumstraint to hold them but doesnt strap the arms down. He just folds their tshirt up around them so it feel more like they are being swaddled.
ReplyDelete"I have learned something on this rotation that I doubt I will be seeing or doing on any other rotation, circumcision. Circumcising or as we affectionately call it in the office "whacking wienies" is actually a pretty cool procedure to see. I can say this because I am a female. I highly doubt there is a man alive that could watch this without wincing."
ReplyDeleteYou are a thoroughly evil human being.
"I was able to watch one of these when I was doing my volunteer hours at Dr. Lee's office. It wasn't Dr. Lee, it was the other guy, I forget his name. It was a little different than your experience. This baby whailed the WHOLE time. He was screaming before, during, and after. He never stopped. Does your doc use the little tiny arm and leg restraints? I thought for sure this little guy was going to bust through them he was so crazy. And the procedure was bloodier than I expected. But I'm with you, our future son(s) will be having it done for sure."
As are you.